
Regional Law no. 20 of 23 July 2014 “Standards on the Subject of films and audio-visual works”

The Law was put in place by the Region in collaboration with the sector’s players with the purpose to revive the whole films and audio-visual segment, enhance the Region’s resources and, acknowledge the motion picture and audio-visual sector as a strategic tools for the cultural, social and economic growth of the area.
Law no. 20 is enacted via a three-year plan of activity that involve various sector of the public administration: from Culture to Training, from production to Tourism.
The Law assigns a special role to the Emilia-Romagna Film Commission, which has the task to attract national and foreign productions, by offering services and ease of logistics and help in organizing, together with local boards and public and private elements in the region.

Download the text of the Regional Law 20 of 2014 in PDF format


Regional Law no. 12 of 28 July 2006 “Standards on the Subject of films and audio-visual works”

Regional Law. no. 12 of 28 July 2006 “Regulation of Film Theathers’ Expansion”.”
The Region created the Law no. 12/2006 as a useful tool to regulate the establishment of new films theaters, as wel las the transformation and upgrade of the existing ones.
To promote a more suitable presence, better distribution, qualification and development of cinematic activities in the area, the Region adopts the following general principles:
a) the audience is at the center, with a network of efficient film theathers and halls, diversified, and widespread and technologically advanced;
b) pluralism and equal presence of the various types of structures and cinematic activities;
c) enhance the role of film theather establishments for the quality of social characteristics of the cities and the region.
This law assigns to the Municipalities, and in particular to One stop Counter for business Activities, the sole authorisation for installation of film theather establishments.
The authorizations for the installation of film theathers establishments that are shared among more than one municipality are granted upon certification of compliance to the “Regional Program for the installation of cinematic activities The compliance certification will be issued by the Emilia-Romagna region.

Download the text of the Regional Law 12 of 2006 in PDF format

The database of cinema theatres – supporting tool to the monitoring activity of the Region – has been created as envisioned by the Law.
The Municipalities are requested to communicate each change occurred in their area using the specific Film Theathers Communication Form